About Nicole

I'll start with me - My name is Nicole Barrett and my dog obsession started very young indeed. I was brought up around a Deer Hound Lurcher mix and Bearded Collie cross and to me, they were my closest siblings. Then along came our beautiful Saluki Lurcher, Rosie, I was now at an age where I could train her myself and spent all other spare time watching shows on dog behaviour. When I moved in with my now husband we started looking after a shepherd mix for a friend from time-to-time, he is a very anxious boy. I worked with him on key issues particularly around grooming, now I am able to brush him with barely a peep. Today I find myself in a bungalow in Birdham with a Beagle cross. He has become mine and my husbands entire life, we adore him dearly however our boy likes to keep us on our toes. All my dogs have been rescues, all have been unique, I guess that's why the world of dogs is so addicting.
When I was a tot I wanted to be a vet, as pre-teen I wanted to be a dog behaviourist, what actually occurred was I went into the world of SEND teaching. I recently completed a CPD accreditated course in Canine Psychology and passed with Higher distinction, doing this made me realise that I'm ready to get back to my childhood dreams.
About Joe

Here is Joe, my husband, for better or worse etc. etc. Joe also grew up around dogs. He first had Lucky and then a little later came Sheba. Sheba was Black Lab cross that came into the house as a teeny little pup. They grew up together. Sheba is still very much missed.
When Joe and I got together I immediately started making plans to get our own furry friend. It took 6 years before we were able to realise this fantasy. Joe is now besotted with Crocker, our Beagle cross. He walks miles a day with him and they can always be found snuggled up on the sofa...with barely room left for me! Since we have had Crocker Joe has been wanting to shift his career. He has spent several years caring for adults with SEND, disabilities and dementia, now he is all for the dog walking life! He's a very fit man (even if I do say so myself), he likes to take care of himself and can walk faster than any other human I know.
I can't keep up with him but our four legged friends sure can!
About Crocker

We spent years waiting for this boy. First our housing wasn't suitable and then the pandemic came along etc. However in 2021 we approached Arundawn Dog Rescue, having been through their homechecks already, about a black and white cheeky chap known then as 'Pie'.
Arundawn called us the next day to say would we like to take him the day after as fur foster parents to begin with. After two weeks we absolutely knew he couldn't go anywhere else, he was part of our family. We had a lost of names we liked but Crocker is the one he reacted to most, now we are three musketeers!
Crocker seems to have quite a rough ride of it before now, his muzzle and ears are scarred and split, the end of his tail mostly bare and a tooth or two missing. All this yet he is one of the most reliable dogs we have ever known. He loves children, other dogs and doesn't have a bad bone in his body. Crocker's only vice....FOOD!
We love you Crocker!
Crocker would really appreciate it if you could support Arundawn Dog Rescue anyway you can.