

We only do single household walks, so your pup should feel right at ease. All walks will be carried out within the local area and a few cheeky snaps might come your way 📷 

The only exception to the single household rule will be our own 'bomb-proof' boy, Crocker. So if you would still like your dog to socialise Crocker is more than happy to help 🐾

Virtual Dog Behaviour Support

We're offering a unique service whereby we can support you with your dogs behavioural changes without having to meet in-person. We can do this via videos and messages. This gives us a great deal of flexibility with time and we can be there every step of the journey.

Home visit drop ins

If you've got a busy day: whether it be buisness or social and you can't get back to give your pooch a bit of attention and toilet break then we can step in.

We'll pop round, let your pup out to bathroom, have cuddle or a play and check water bowls. Then they'll be all set to await your arrival.

1-1 basic training and tricks

We'll start with the basics and work our way up, these sessions will be tailored for your dog and your needs. We can discuss what you would like from the session prior to the first class. 

These can take place locally in your home or you can come to us, whichever works out best. The great thing about training in your home is the family can be a part of it. When I was a child there was nothing more exciting than training with my dog.

Training walks

These local walks can be done with or without owners present. We can teach whilst we walk, learning how to stay close, when it's okay to go sniff and waiting at a curb for the 'Cross' command. 

Some basic skills that can make a difference to your everyday walks. 

Behavioural training

Sometimes quirks occur, sometimes they were there from the beginning but hopefully we can solve the niggles together. 

I would love the chance to support you and your dog with any behavioural challenges you are experiencing. Every dog is unique and this means they don't always respond the same way to every training technique. With your knowledge of your dog and my knowledge of canine behaviour we can come up with a solution.

Other services might be available (such as basic grooming for the tricky customer and overnight stays within our home) just drop us a message and we'll talk it through.